At Zolio B.V. we find it important that you make the right choice when buying our products. Honest reviews and experiences of other customers help us in this, both positively and negatively. Therefore, all reviews are posted, unless they do not meet our guidelines.
It is important to us that only genuine reviews are shown on our website. Therefore, we only invite you to write a review if you have purchased a product from us. All reviews are read and evaluated by a Zolio B.V. employee.
We only reject a review if it does not meet our guidelines including:
- The review is shorter than 4 words.
- The review contains contact information such as phone numbers, addresses or urls.
- The review contains websites or YouTube channels.
- The review only describes the service of Zolio B.V. and does not elaborate on the product. A brief reference to our service in a few sentences is permitted, but the review must be written mainly about the product.
- The current price of the product is specifically mentioned.
- Inappropriate language (for example, but not limited to, swear words, racist slurs, vulgarisations or other expressions that may be perceived as offensive).
A review may contain spelling mistakes, consist of a single sentence or be negative about the product.
How do we collect reviews?
You will receive a review request from us by e-mail a few days after the delivery of your order. Via this e-mail you can give a product a rating of 1-5 stars. You can enter your opinion or experience in a free text field.
Calculation of review score
The average score of a product is calculated based on all reviews that have been given. The calculation is as follows: total review score / number of reviews = the average review score.
Posting of reviews
- All reviews are automatically posted.
- In general, a review will be visible within minutes.
- The date shown with the review is the date the review is written.
- If a review does not meet the conditions, it can be hidden by a Zolio B.V. employee. The review is then only visible for employees of Zolio B.V.
- On our website we do not post reviews for which the customer is paid by us or for which the customer is rewarded by us in some way. For instance, when a cashback, discount or free product is offered after writing a review.
Use of reviews
Zolio B.V. uses the reviews to improve its services. Contacting a customer because of a posted review can be part of this.