You have received a return label from us.
- Items should be returned to us complete, unused and undamaged in their original packaging.
- If you have received a shipping label from us download the shipping label and print it out.
- Put the packing slip in the box or write the order number clearly on the outside of the box.
- Pack the items carefully and stick the label clearly visible on the box.
- Deliver the parcel to a DPD service point near you.
If you have received a label from us, we have paid the costs for the return shipment. You will then no longer have to pay the service point for the shipment.
You have not received a return label from us
- The items must be returned to us complete, unused and undamaged in their original packaging.
- Pack the items carefully.
- Put the packing slip in the box or write the order number clearly on the outside of the box.
- Send your package.
Our return address:
Zolio B.V.
Returns department
Veenstraat 22 B
9502 EZ, Stadskanaal
the Netherlands